- Edge of Eternity
- PC – PS4 – One
Edge of eternity is the biggest game i working on! The pre-production has started around of 2013 and we succeed our kickstarter campaign in 2015. The game has evolved year by year to become a real and coherent project.
I’m responsible for the environment design part, with Manon Bargier. It’s a big challenge, but we improve our skills as the game development progresses.
It’s hard to cite only one graphical influence, there are numerous. For instance: Xenoblable, Final Fantasy, Lost Odyssey, etc. During the development, we found our own style which is closely linked to our workflow and constraints.
You will be able to see the fruit of our labor very soon, thanks to the upcoming early access of the game (November, 29th). We hope you will enjoy it! 🙂
Articles for Edge of Eternity
Edge of Eternity: Welcome to TyrCaelum!
Article in French only for the moment! Come back soon !
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