Hi there!
This is it! It’s been a long time since I wanted to create my own website^^
First, introductions are in order: I am Julien Galibert. I have been working in the video game studio “Midgar” as a French environmental artist for 6 years, now.
This website will allow you to follow projects like Edge of Eternity – and especially my personal project- Final fantasy Tactics Advance 2 3D Fanart.
I have been working on the JRPG Edge of Eternity for a while, now (and with a great team, to boot!) But I wanted to try my hand on a more cartoonish project. From this intent came the desire to remake a very important scene of FFTA2: The inn!
I will publish my progress regularly : one weekly article, with some occasional videos where you’ll be able to see different aspects of my job! I will try to be as clear as possible.
My final goal with this website is simply to share what a video game development might look like from a 3D artist’s standpoint… as well as the tools we use, our methodology, as well as our constraints… and some lighter things too. ^^ Don’t be afraid, everybody is welcome!
And now.. let’s tease next article… What’s this ? 🙂
If you like the project don’t hesitate to comment, and share !
My Facebook Artist page: https://www.facebook.com/YurieDesign/
My twitter: https://twitter.com/JulienPika
See you ! 🙂
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2 3D Fanart Project... is born !
Stay connected